Transferred to Discount Power from your previous provider? Visit our Welcome Center to learn more.




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Where do I find my account information?
How do I contact Discount Power?

You can visit our Customer Care page to find all of our contact information, including phone numbers, live chat, our mailing address and our hours of operation.

Once you create your online account, you can find the status of your enrollment by logging in. You can also get an enrollment status update by calling our Customer Care Center at 1-877-455-4674 daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. CST.

Discount Power is a retail electricity provider. If you live in a deregulated area, you can shop for your own electricity plans with suppliers like us to find the right rate and plan for you. 

Your local utility is responsible for transmitting, connecting and disconnecting electricity to your home and reading and maintaining your home's electric meter. The utility also maintains the lines and other equipment used to transmit electricity to your home.

The local utility assigned to your service area maintains all the poles, wires and lines that transmit electricity to your home. To report a power outage, please contact your local utility company. 

Please contact us at 1-877-455-4674 daily from 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. CST for information regarding notifying your TDSP of your condition.

Notice — Certain customers may be eligible to apply for the following designations based on their medical status or the nature of the business:

  • Critical Care Residential Customer: A residential customer who has a person permanently residing in his or her home who has been diagnosed by a physician as being dependent upon an electric-powered medical device to sustain life.


  • Chronic Condition Residential Customer: A residential customer who has a person permanently residing in his or her home who has been diagnosed by a physician as having a serious medical condition that requires an electric-powered medical device or electric heating or cooling to prevent the impairment of a major life function through a significant deterioration or exacerbation of the person’s medical condition.


  • Critical Load Public Safety Customer: A non-residential customer for whom electric service is considered crucial for the protection or maintenance of public safety, including but not limited to hospitals, police stations, fire stations and critical water and wastewater facilities.


  • Critical Load Industrial Customer: An industrial customer for whom an interruption or suspension of electric service would create a dangerous or life-threatening condition on the retail customer’s premises.


You can apply for the applicable designation, which affords certain protections. Please contact Discount Power for more information. Critical Care Residential Customer and Chronic Condition Residential Customer designations require an application your physician completes and submits to your transmission and distribution utility (TDU) on your behalf. Critical Load Public Safety Customer and Critical Load Industrial Customer designations require you to complete an application with your TDU:

Please note that these statuses do not guarantee an uninterrupted, regular, or continuous power supply. If electricity is a necessity, the customer must make arrangements for on-site back-up capabilities or other alternatives in the event of loss of electric service.


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When will my Discount Power plan renew?

Typically, your renewal will take effect in the billing cycle after your current contract has expired.

How do I know when my Discount Power plan expires?

You will always be able to find you current contract expiration date on your account statements or by reviewing your account’s plan details by logging in at Account Log On.

You will receive a notice from us alerting you of the action that needs to be taken. Notices will come via the USPS mail as well as email and text notifications.

When you receive a renewal notice via USPS, text or email, feel free to contact us at 1-877-455-4674 Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm CST or follow the links provided in the renewal notices. You can also renew through your My Account at Account Log On.


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How do I sign up for service with Discount Power?
How long will it take for my Discount Power service to begin once I sign up?

Switching your retail electric provider will not interrupt your service. Your current local wires company will still deliver your electricity as it does today, with the same power lines and service trucks.

You won't have an early termination fee if you are on our variable-price, month-to-month plan. If you are on one of our fixed-price, term plans, we buy electricity to serve your account before you use it; therefore, if you terminate your contract early a cancellation fee may apply.


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What are my payment options with Discount Power?

We accept payment by check, bank draft or credit card. You can also set up your automatic payment by credit card or bank draft. We accept MasterCard, Visa and Discover.

What if a deposit is required?

You will be notified during online enrollment if a deposit is required. If one is required, it was assessed based on your credit score. One may also have been assessed if we were unable to identify you with the credit bureau. Using your social security number is the easiest form of identification.

If it has been determined that a deposit is required for your account, your enrollment will be placed on hold until your deposit requirement is met. You can pay your deposit during online enrollment, through our online account manager, or by calling us at 1-877-455-4674 Monday through Friday from 8 am to 5 pm CST. If you qualify for LITE-UP, the low income telephone and electric utilities program, your deposit can be paid in two (2) installments. Please contact us for additional information by phone or email at


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When can I set up electric service at my new residence?

You can start electric service with Discount Power on the same day in most occasions. You can also select a move-in date up to 60 days out in the future when you are planning your move.

Will I have to pay a deposit to begin service?

We will let you know if a refundable deposit is required during the signup process. If so, you’ll need to satisfy the deposit requirement before your service can begin.

No. Your stop and start dates do not have to be the same, but we do recommend that you make sure that you always have electricity service at one location and not have any gaps in service.

You will still need to submit an enrollment so that we can establish service in your name. Otherwise, the electricity can be turned off at any time based on the previous tenants move-out request, and you may be without power.